The popularity and demand of quality cotton velvet for drapery and upholstery use continues to increase enormously. Here are best practices for using velvet for different applications.
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$99.50 Net USDPer Linear Yard
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Product: #1150
Content: 97% Rayon / 3% Nylon
Width: 49 Inches
Finish: GreenShield
Vertical Repeat: 18 Inches
Suggested Use: Upholstery
Application suitability is the sole responsibility of the designer/purchaser.
Contact Customer Service if you need information on a test not listed below.
California Technical Bulletin, 117: Pass
Abrasion ASTM D 41 57-10: 50,000
S- Spot clean only with a water-free dry cleaning solvent.
Environmental: FR/Anti-Microbial Additives Free.
The best time to deal with any spill is immediately. Because of GreenShield's water and oil repellant properties, most spills on a GreenShield® treated fabric will be sitting on top of the fabric. Immediate gentle blotting of a simple liquid spill such as coffee or wine with a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel will often completely remove the spill. If there are solids in the spill (mustard, tomato sauce, etc.), it is best to remove the solids with something like a spoon before blotting the spill. Do not rub at the spill since that may push it into the fabric or make it bigger. If the spill is large, remember to blot toward the center so that you do not spread it. If the spill is not completely removed by blotting, the application of a fluid may be necessary. Before selecting a cleaning system, be sure to check the manufacturer's instructions for the fabric and do not use cleaning materials which may damage the fabric itself.
It is impossible to evaluate all available cleaners but a number have been tested for both spot removal and their impact on the GreenShield treatment. Water-based spot cleaners that have been found to be compatible with fabrics using GreenShield fabric finish include: •Woolite® uphoslstry cleaner •Woolite® Oxy Deep® •Resolve® Multi-Fabric •Shout® Advanced •Folex® •Once'n Done® Few solvent based spot cleaners have been evaluated with GreenShield. Solvent cleaners based on hydrotreated aliphatic hydrocarbons (such as Solv-a-clene™ and Goo Gone®) were compatible with GreenShield as was isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol).